"A Dream In The Empty Flower" originates from an ancient Chinese tale that symbolizes the ephemeral nature of beauty. The poster series aims to visually convey the concept of "invisibility" depicted in the story by intentionally blurring the conventional layout of posters. By incorporating ample blank space into the central area, the posters enhance the overall legibility and coherence within the poster-environment. This approach emphasizes the significance of negative space and highlights the subtle and transient qualities associated with the theme of the story.
幻梦空花 源自一则古老的中国故事(寒月芙蕖, 聊斋志异, 卷四 ),寓意美丽而短暂的事物。这一系列海报试图通过模糊常规海报布局的方式捕捉故事中所展现的“无形”概念;将空白空间引入中心部分,扩大了海报环境的“可读性”和“连贯性”。这种手法强调了负空间的重要性,并突显了与故事主题 幻梦空花 相关的微妙和瞬息万变的特质。
幻梦空花 源自一则古老的中国故事(寒月芙蕖, 聊斋志异, 卷四 ),寓意美丽而短暂的事物。这一系列海报试图通过模糊常规海报布局的方式捕捉故事中所展现的“无形”概念;将空白空间引入中心部分,扩大了海报环境的“可读性”和“连贯性”。这种手法强调了负空间的重要性,并突显了与故事主题 幻梦空花 相关的微妙和瞬息万变的特质。
A Dream In The Empty Flower