Miu Miu Tiu is a podcast project hosted by 'Ni' and 'X' that explores diverse topics in various contexts. The primary visual concept portrays the unique identities and traits of the podcast hosts in a light color palette, aligning with the essence of Miu Miu Tiu and its mission to embrace cultural diversity from multiple perspectives.

Miu Miu Tiu 是由'泥'和'叉'主持的一档播客项目,以不同环境下的自由话题为内容。主视觉以轻松的色调展现了两位主持人的独特身份和特点,符合Miu Miu Tiu 播客的期望: 以多角度融合不同文化。
Miu Miu Tiu Podcast Miu Miu Tiu